Back Row: Braden, Colin, Kali, Jocelyn, Kate, Gavin, Hannah, Allison, Aleah & Kennedy Front Row: Mattie, Alexis, Kerrigan, Addie, Elly, Amber, Brittany & Abbie
Food Drive 2020:

NHS Selection Process
Selection takes place twice a year, fall and spring.
Juniors and Seniors who have a GPA of 3.50 or above and no conduct code violations within the previous 6 months are given invitations to join. This is the criterion for scholarship.
Invited students to request and fill out an application form and turn in to the NHS sponsor by the stated deadline.
Names of students who have returned applications are put on a list for teachers to rate on a scale of 1-4 on the 3 remaining qualities of NHS; service, leadership and character.
A selection committee of 5 teachers receives an average of the scores, GPA, class standing and the applications to read and discuss.
Each member votes separately for students he/she thinks would meet the NHS criteria. No limit is set on how many each can vote for.
All applicants who receive 3/5 votes or more are inducted into membership.
Students are welcomed into NHS during the school day and inducted at the fall potluck.
The same as in the fall except:
Induction takes place at Honors Night in May. Students do not know in advance if they will be inducted.
Sophomores with a GPA of 3.75 or above, with no conduct code violation within the past 6 months are also invited to apply